Meg Huff of Bloomfield Rotary presented a Paul Harris Fellow recognition to Newark Rotarian Linda Werts last Thursday.
Opening and Invocation led by Mitch Ruffalo
Guests: Meg Huff from Bloomfield Rotary Club, Chris Davis, Executive Director of the Newark Arcadia Historical Society
  • Thank you to Lynne Mooney for organizing a great Christmas party!
  • A huge thank you to Kayleigh O’Connor for all of the wonderful food she provides every week.
  • Don’t forget to sign up for Rotary Salutes our local veterans on March 1
Happy Moments:
  • Steve Hallagan is so happy Santa appeared this year at Ruffalo Appliance Christmas give away.
  • Norma and Gary thanked our club for our generous donations to Camp Onseyawa - in particular the annual dinner.
  • Thank you notes from those who received pointsettia’s from our club this year. We remember our shut-ins by giving poinsettias
  • A fun time singing Christmas Carols!
Birthdays:  Karen Vanderbrook - 12/20; Jonathan Tayor - 12/25
Club Anniversaries: Norma Mayadag Reilly, Dave Christler, Norm Vandermortel, Jean Bendix, Chrissy Rollo
Paul Harris special recognition:  Linda Werts - Paul Harris +8 in recognition of her service above self through Called to Care in Canandaigua
Program — John Zornow gave a presentation on the importance of the Erie Canal for the economic growth of the Village of Newark. The Newark Arcadia Historical Society is selling 200th year anniversary of the Erie Canal calendars. Visit the Newark Historical Society Museum to learn more about our historic Erie Canal. 
Next meeting will be January 2nd. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!