President Nominee Chuck Waterman led our club meeting this past week during our open meeting.
Opening and Invocation led by Steve Mooney
Guests: Luis Alonso, Rotary Exchange Student
Historical Facts – June 6 in history:
  • Anniversary of the Normandy Landing
  • 1st Drive In Theater in 1933
  • 1844 George Williams established the first YMCA
  • In 1968 Robert Kennedy assassinated 
  • Bob Bendix announced that they need people to sign up for set up/break down/food concessions at the Family Fest
  • Brownikar celebration at the Newark-Arcadia Historical Society on Saturday from 10-4pm.  There are only 2 existing Brownikar’s - built by Mora Car right here in Newark.
  • RPO will be on Friday, December 6th - save the date!
  • Luis - was in one act play on Saturday, had his 1st Band Concert - played saxophone in the National Anthem, had last Choir Concert last night. Went to Darien Lake with Physics Class, has prom this weekend and his last Rotary Weekend in Watkins Glen.
Happy Moments:
  • Tuesday, 6/4, at 4:33 am Central Time, Dave Hannan’s 12th grandchild - 1st Boy with surname Hannan!
  • Marc Kreuser, Sunday 6/3 ran a triathlon - Marc and Ryan ran – Ryan came in 1st even after socializing late in the night the previous night!
  • Steve Mooney’s daughter-in-law was named physician of the year at Highland Hospital
  • Evie Taylor - wants to organize a Rotary Night at a Newark Pilots game.
Program:  Committee Reports:
Community Service - 
  • Newark Salutes will be honoring our local Veterans. Looking for some people to form a committee to organize this effort. 
  • Would like to gather donations for the Newark Food Closet over a 4 week period. We will begin on July 11th. Keep your eyes peeled for the donation requests each week. Donations will be gathered at our weekly meetings and Newark Food Closet will pick up each week.
Fundraising Remember to purchase $100 raffle tickets. There are $10,000 in cash prizes. We have sold 54 to date. 
Membership – made some changes regarding the approval process for the Corporate Membership. Planning on having an information table set up at the weekly meetings on how to bring someone into the club. Trying to streamline the process. Still working on a Satellite club.
Rotary Foundation – We have now met our $10,000 goal for 2023/2024 (total giving YTD is $10,890. Polio Plus goal of $3,000 was exceeded by $1700 so far with YTD giving of $4,700. Our Total Contributions for the 2023/2024 year so far is $28,290 In District 7120 Newark Rotary is the #2 giver for Polio Plus, #4 for 2023/2024 over all giving and #5 for Annual Fund giving. Our All Time Giving is $593,915.
International Service Committee – looking for 3 new members on the committee.
Family Fest – sign up for shifts – we need all hands on deck. Dave Christler is in charge of signing Vendors – please try to recruit craft vendors.  We need all hands on deck.
Youth Services – Luis’ last meeting with us are on June 27th