Josh McCossen gave us words of inspiration.  
Guests:  Doug Werts, guest of Linda
Wellness Reportno news is good news!
  • Karen Q - Service Above Self - 10/27.  Please make reservations by Thursday, 10/20
  • Relief donations are needed for Puerto Rico and Ukraine
  • Polio donation jars are on the tables
  • Luis Rivera, 10/7 - 4th wedding anniversary
  • Chuck Waterman, 10/9 - 29 years, wedding anniversary
  • Club Anniversaries:  Steve Hasseler, 4 years; Lynn Mooney, 2 years; Jorge Bueso, 12 years; Mary Jo Fenyn, 13 years
  • Mitch working on cleaning up the canal from Clinton Street going east - need some help. Working on a plan and can use some input - if interested contact Mitch.
Happy Moments:
  • Ruffalo’s and Kreuser’s attended the Laura Tickner wedding in the Adirondacks
  • Adam O. - will be on vacation next week
  • Luis Rivera - Wayne County Career day - had over 800 youth in attendance.  Will be going to the Bahamas next week with his wife!
  • Mitch donated a bottle of wine to be auctioned - thank you Mike Muscalino.
Queen of Hearts
Michelle McManus did not draw the Queen — the pot is continuing to grow
Program: Dave Hannan
Dave announced that he’s been a member of Newark Rotary since Susie Earl was mayor.
Polio Eradication:
Zero cases is our goal:
Polioplus: since this program began we have immunized more than 3 billion children, have spent more than 2.1 billion.  Partners: Rotary International, UNICEF, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Gavi (a vaccine and immunization group), CDC
Why Polio?:  It is meaningful, it is focused, it is achievable. Like Smallpox, it is transmitted from person to person - not in animals. Smallpox eradicated in 1977.  Philippine Rotary initiated and became the pilot project.
Rotarians at work:  Rotary has National Immunization Days - world wide, World Polio Day.
Thank you Newark Rotarians:
  • 2018-2019:  $4,984.12
  • 2019-2020: $2,283.00
  • 2020-2021: $6,690.73
  • 2021-2022: $3,255.00
What is Polio Virus
  • It enters the body through the digestive tract
  • Attacks the myelin sheath along the spinal column causing paralysis by impairing the nerve signals to muscles
    • 3 different viruses: Type I, Type II, Type III
    • World is free of Type II and Type III
    • Type I is still active in some countries
  • 2 types of vaccines: Oral - live, but attenuated viruses.  Effective, easy to administer, and provide secondary immunization.  It can mutate in rare cases and can re-enter the population. It can regain its disease-causing ability. Rare - 3 cases out of a million vaccines
  • Injectable: Safe, inactive viruses and will not cause the disease by mutation
  • Progress:  
    • 1988 - 350,00 cases world wide
    • 1994 - Western Hemisphere declared polio free
    • 2000 - Australia/China/Western Pacific polio free
    • 2017 - 33 cases world wide
    • 2019 - Nigeria/Africa polio free
    • 2020 - 140 cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan
    • 2021 - 5 cases world wide - Still from Afghanistan and Pakistan
    • 2022 - 29 cases
  • Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus - seeing cases in Africa, Yemen, Israel, Ukraine, UK, USA.  This is from the Oral Vaccine only.
  • Obstacles:  Having the local people volunteering to give the vaccine has helped tremendously
  • Goals:  Want to transition to the injection based vaccine
  • By creating the public health infrastructure we are helping prevent and treat other diseases. This is not limited to just Polio. The money we spend helps prevent the spread of other diseases like Ebola
  • What happened to allow Polio to show up in the USA again?
    • Person was not immunized and contracted it from someone who did not have symptoms.
    • If you’ve been vaccinated you do not need a booster and you are safe.
Go to to learn more and to participate.
When the day comes, and it will, that the world is certified Polio-Free, you will never be more proud to be a Rotarian — David Hannan
From Dave Hannan:
Here are the two you tube links referenced in my presentation at Newark Rotary today.
The first will help you understand circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus (cVDPV).
The second explains the public health infrastructure built by the PolioPlus program in Third World countries.
They are both short. Just copy and paste into your browser.
Reminder:  Next Meeting:  October 22